Local Search Optimization
Local search engine optimization features offered by the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing have now made getting recognized by your local audience both affordable and effective. This evolution is now allowing for local search marketing and locally based SEO to be combined to deliver targeted traffic to your business for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising methods.
As the following statistics show, consumers are increasingly using the internet to search for local businesses and then follow these searches by making purchases. Consider the following:
- After an internet search of local businesses, 82% follow up with either a visit to the store, a phone call or a purchase, according to research by TMP/comScore, providers of local search data.
- Google has found that 73% of online activity is centered on local searches and content.
* TMP/comScore also found that 61% of local searches ultimately end in purchases.
- According to the Kelsey Group, 74% of internet users search locally for stores, products, and services.
Locally based businesses which employ local search engine optimization typically see results quickly as their local profiles become more visible. Increased local visibility then leads to increases in online sales as well as those at their physical location. The importance of employing local search engine optimization will only strengthen as consumers move toward local online searches and away from traditional search tools such as the Yellow Pages.
Search Engine Optimization LLC can expand the possibilities for your company in ways which were, until recently, only affordable for the largest companies in the country. To see how local SEO can work for your business, call Search Engine Optimization LLC today at (866) 530 7703. |