Social Media Optimization
The growth in social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter provides huge opportunities for businesses to connect with potential and existing customers in both a personal and cost effective manner. The personal interface provided by these sites offers a new and exciting dynamic for businesses which has resulted in their continuing migration toward internet based solutions and away from traditional advertising.
Search Engine Optimization LLC, which has been at the forefront of social media optimization, is very familiar with navigating the waters of this new marketplace for its clients. Much like traditional SEO, the key to success in these growing marketplaces lies first in conducting extensive research on demographics, keyword usage, and relevant communities prior to initiating social media optimization initiatives. As opposed to everything before it, this research is not directed toward overt selling practices in these markets.
The first objective of social media optimization is to be seen as a trusted member of the community. Developing this trust comes from marketing efforts which focus on adding value and interaction, over the instinct to advertise and sell products/services. These actions include free research, community interaction, and timely responses to questions or requests for more information. As opposed to the traditional methodologies of marketing/advertising campaigns, blatant and unrelenting selling is seen in social media circles as a huge annoyance and is generally considered as pure spam.
If you are contemplating the development of a presence on one or more of the social media sites, getting it right the first time around is critical. Due to the size and word of mouth nature of these sites, missteps should be avoided wherever possible. Search Engine Optimization LLC has the experience to launch your entrance into the vibrant markets presented by these social media sites. For a free consultation on the benefits of social media optimization, call us today at (866) 530 7703.